Singing Guide: The Preacher's Wife

Singing Guide: The Preacher's Wife

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Preacher's Wife is a delightful film that showcases Whitney Houston's beautiful voice. In the movie, Houston portrayed Julia, a preacher's wife who is struggling with her faith, musical career, and her husband's commitment to the church.

Houston was known for her incredible range, power, and control of her voice. She was famous for her use of vibrato, vocal runs, and her ability to hit high notes with ease. Her performance in The Preacher's Wife highlights these qualities and more.

To learn to sing like Houston, one must pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Breathing: Houston's singing style relied heavily on her breath control. To improve your breathing, try Farinelli Breathing, as demonstrated in Singing Carrots' tutorial. Another useful article is Breath Support. Make sure to apply these techniques during your warm-up and vocal exercises, as well as when performing.
  • Articulation: Clear articulation is essential to convey the message of a song properly. Check out the Finger Bite exercise to improve your articulation skills and help you enunciate words more precisely.
  • Vocal Range: Whitney Houston had quite an incredible vocal range. To determine your vocal range, take the Vocal Range Test from Singing Carrots. Once you know your range, you can work on extending it using Singing Carrots' Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game.
  • Vocal Registers: Understanding vocal registers is crucial to achieving Whitney Houston's sound. Read What are voice registers? to gain a deeper understanding of this concept. Then, try out the Chest Voice Explained exercise to help you make a smoother transition between registers.
  • Singing with Emotion: Houston's singing always evoked a strong emotional response from listeners. To learn more about conveying emotion through singing, read Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking. This article will help you better understand how to convey emotions through your singing and stage performance.

As you work to develop your Whitney Houston style, here are a few songs to work on that showcase her unique vocal technique:

  • I Will Always Love You: This is perhaps Houston's most iconic song, showcasing her incredible range and powerful voice.
  • Greatest Love of All: This song is another excellent example of Houston's power and vocal control, especially in the bridge section.
  • How Will I Know: This song leans more towards Houston's pop sound and features her use of vibrato, vocal runs, and high notes.

To get you started on your journey towards singing like Whitney Houston, explore more resources on Singing Carrots, such as:

With patience and persistence, you can develop the singing skills necessary to perform like Whitney Houston.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.